Wednesday, July 17, 2013

Montreal construction

Every morning I wake up at 5:45am listen to the inevitable, that there is an hour and a half to two hour line up at the Mercier Bridge. How can they possibly reduce the bridge to one lane in each direction during rush hour? Well that's Montreal for you, always looks like a bomb just went off!

Takes me fucking two hours get from Candiac my home to Ville Saint Laurent my office then two more hours to get back!! And if I try to take another route home takes me just as long or even longer!! 4 fucking hours of my life a day and for what... So that the pot holes are fixed? Or the bridge won't fucking fall down? Ha!! Yeah Right! After the construction is gone, its still littered with orange cones that I dodge and end up in a pothole!! Montreal sometime seems like a third world country

Even if they do clear out all the construction debris, it's paved like a bunch of 6 year old boys mixed a batch of home made cement and tried to fill the cracks. Driving in this city is like riding a cigarette boat in the choppy waters of the Caribbean. Oh but wait!! After the construction is gone, a Hydro Quebec truck, Bell truck or whatever... Comes along to make a hole in the newly paved road to pass a wire, pipe!! Couldn't do it before hand, right guys? 

And then they blame our poor roads on the weather. OK?


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